Frokostmøte om temaet: Ageing well with HIV

Start dagen med faglig innhold, nyt en god frokost og få med deg et inspirerende foredrag om å bli eldre med hiv, av professor Chloe Orkin.

Hvor og når

place Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29, 0167 Oslo event 06.06.2024 - 06.06.2024 schedule 09:00 - 10:00

GSK/ViiV inviterer til frokostmøte hvor temaet er «Ageing well with HIV». Foredragsholder er den anerkjente professoren Chloe Orkin fra Storbritannia, som vil belyse temaet å bli eldre med hiv, og dele sine erfaringer med oss.

Om Chloe Orkin:

Professor Chloe Orkin is Professor of Infection and Inequities at the Queen Mary
University of London and has been a Consultant HIV Physician at Barts Health NHS Trust
since 2003. Her specialist area is viral therapeutics. Chloe directs the SHARE research
collaborative for health equity and she is the outgoing Academic Lead for Equality
Diversity and Inclusion in the Faculty of Medicine at QMUL.
Chloe was the 80th President of the Medical Women’s Federation, past Chair of the British
HIV Association. She is a member of the governing council for the International AIDS
Society and a scientific advisor to the Medicines Patent Pool.

Frokostmøtet arrangeres på Litteraturhuset i Oslo, torsdag 6. juni kl. 09.00.

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